Making Music on Fedora – Interest in (resuscitating) a SIG?

Without a formal decision process, let me try to sum up the consensus (filling in some blanks):

  • The new SIG will be called “Music & Audio”.
  • There will be new Wiki pages for the SIG, the old ones deprecated.
  • We would like to have a discourse tag (#music-audio) and a Matrix channel (“Fedora Music & Audio”).
  • I don’t see a clear consensus above on how the goal of the SIG should be phrased – what about: “It should be easy and enjoyable to make music and work with audio on Fedora”?
  • For the time being, let’s reach decisions through consensus. I don’t see us having to decide much, anyway :grinning:. If we ever can’t reach a consensus or find ourselves locking horns, let’s seek outside help to establish more formal procedures then.

This is your opportunity to lodge objections! :wink:

With that said, I’ll probably put some work into the Wiki pages and/or find out who can help us with the Matrix channel and Discourse tag next. Assuming the above will stand, if not we can make changes later.

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