Make it bootable after moving Fedora to another HDD


Asking for help with the next point:
I have a PC with one HDD and two OS : Win 7 and Fedora 14. It was installed not by me about ten years ago; the system is bonded and tuned to some hardware already and not (ok, very hard to) recoverable in case of crushing. The HDD started to indicate of bad blocks having. But still work.
I want to separate the system on two HDD, so that Win and Fedora were on different ones. I see where the Win partitions and where Fedora’s (there is a partition marked LVM, if it’s matter) While booting there is a dialog of choosing OS.

The questions is: how to make bootable Fedora after moving its partitions to another HDD of the same PC? Please, if it’s possible, step by step - I’m not very familiar with a Linux.

The question doesn’t not include Windows, I’ll handle it by myself, or reinstall.

Thank you.

Win 7 and Fedora 14? Here’s hoping that this system won’t see the internet :slight_smile:
How do you currently choose between systems to boot? Using grub?

The PC is not for internet, it’s in a local net and work with modbus for data collecting. While booting there is a boot menu to choose Win7 or Fedora 14. Actually do not know, but consider it’s grub. Interesting, that after recover from diskimage to another HDD only Win7 is loading, Fedora throw an error that can not find a file (don’t remember which exactly).

Back in the days, default installs addressed partitions and file systems using device names, and these can change if you hook up your disk to a different bus/controller. You moved Fedora to the second disk, so partition names changed. Nowadays we use UUIDs. So, are you saying that Fedora is booting and then missing a file? Editing /etc/fstab or the grub config could help. The main problem will be finding someone who remembers how to do this on F14…

Thank you. Will try your way.
Thought that there is at least something like reinstall F14 to the same HDD and it will fix all without changing user files and installed program/drivers. Looks like it’s all a little bit more complicated.