Hi I am a noob in the linux space and have been using Lutris to install windows programs too see if I can truly ditch windows. Successfully got Battle net, steam games and even Ableton Live 10 to work via Lutris. However I have noticed while trying to install games and now trying to install Affinity software that Im getting an error of
“DRM kernel driver ‘nvidia-drm’ in use. NVK requires nouveau.”
some apps still run when this error occurs but It seems affinity does not want to install after this error.
I am running an rtx3060 gpu with the nvidia proprietary drivers installed.
You might want to ask in the Lutris Community. Also, Bottles Community as they have support for those types of Applications. I’ve heard good things about running Ableton there.
Awesome thanks, I got it to work using Lutris, though haven’t gotten around to messing with it so not sure about stability or anything. Audio interface seems to work fine though.
Whoah ok thanks heaps!