
This project provides RPM packages containing the vcgencmd program used on Raspberry Pi, along with other artifacts built from the sources at https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/leo3418/raspberrypi-userland/

Is anyone else having issues after upgrading to fedora 39? /dev/vcio and /dev/vchiq seem to be missing.

It seems Fedora 39 beta had a significant blocker bug affecting the device tree. With an update I’m getting /dev/vchiq.

/dev/vcio is still missing. I can create it manually with:
sudo mknod /dev/vcio c 10 125

I’ve also created a udev rule that creates it as well:
KERNEL==“vchiq”,DRIVERS==“bcm2835_vchiq”,RUN+=“/bin/mknod /dev/vcio c 10 125”

I’m not sure how this is created in Raspberry OS - I didn’t see a udev rule to create the file so not sure this is the preferred solution.