Join us for Fedora Social Hour every week!


#fedorasocialhour continues every week for the foreseeable future! We’re going to make the matrix channel “home base”, and jump off to games, video chats, VR, whatever, from there. We alternate between an “early” 14:00 UTC time and a “late” 23:00 UTC one. (That’s 10am and 7:00pm US/Eastern. We’ll keep it that way when Daylight Saving Time kicks in in the US.)

We meet up in a Matrix chat room. You can join with Fedora Chat (see below) or via another Matrix provider. Sometimes we do games or some other activity — see the most recent posts below for details.

To join, you first need to be a member of the Fedora Space:

Then, come to the party in

All are welcome — it’s a laid-back hangout and you don’t need to be a deeply involved contributor to join. In fact, we try to avoid making it into a work session, although we’ve officially relaxed this “no shop talk” rule — we can talk about Fedora stuff, as long we make sure to keep it relevant and interesting to everyone on the call.

The Fedora Social chat room (and bridged IRC channel, for those of you who like things old school isn’t just limited to social hour, of course. Feel free to drop in and see who is around at any time.