Hi all,
I installed updates via “dnf update”, but I didn’t check if I still had space leftover, I suspect I didn’t as during this update my Fedora 40 KDE crashed hard.
I restarted but after seeing the KDE login screen the screen remained black.
After some googling, I tried via cmdline to balance the btrfs drive as btrfs fileusage showed my metadata size to be quite full.
However balanceing didn’t work as there was no space, it reported.
Another internet suggestion was to add an USB device to btrfs temporarily for rebalancing such that I can remove some space later.
Adding the USB device did the trick & I could rebalance & remove some files.
However removing the device gave an error (can’t remember what)
Here I made the mistake I guess of restarting as Fedora would no longer boot & be stuck unable to mount my partition.
Even with the USB device still present I could no longer mount at all.
After many tries with btrfs check, repair & in the end restore I got most of my files back. & I can now mount my partition with:
mount -o degraded,ro,rescue=all /dev/nvme0n1p6 /mnt
but some files are corrupted. 1 specific 400 gb file I couldn’t restore
Is there any chance I can restore them?
output of
btrfs filesystem usage /mnt
WARNING: cannot read detailed chunk info, per-device usage will not be shown, run as root
Device size: 1.91TiB
Device allocated: 1.90TiB
Device unallocated: 13.57GiB
Device missing: 7.47GiB
Device slack: 16.00EiB
Used: 1.72TiB
Free (estimated): 196.41GiB (min: 189.62GiB)
Free (statfs, df): 185.94GiB
Data ratio: 1.00
Metadata ratio: 2.00
Global reserve: 512.00MiB (used: 0.00B)
Multiple profiles: no
Data,single: Size:1.85TiB, Used:1.67TiB (90.33%)
Metadata,DUP: Size:28.00GiB, Used:27.50GiB (98.21%)
System,DUP: Size:8.00MiB, Used:240.00KiB (2.93%)
I know it’s a long shot, but thanks in advance!