How to write ñ on Fedora Kde Plasma? How is it done to write it in small and capitalized letter? Thanks.
It depends on your keyboard layout. With US international with Dead Keys, you just enter ~ followed by the letter n respectively N. On other layouts, you may be able to define a compose key, where you hit the compose key followed by ~ and n. ñ Ñ
Thanks. But it doesn’t work on my keyboard still.
On Linux it can be created by **pressing Ctrl+Shift+U and then typing '00d1' or '00f1', followed by space or Ctrl to end the character code input**. This produces ⟨Ñ⟩ or ⟨ñ⟩.
Thank you for this. I just wonder why it doesn’t work with me.
If you are on a US layout (or I guess any layout that does not have those extra characters) you need to set up a compose key. In Settings, under the keyboard options, there is a subsection where you can set extra commands and keyboard behavior. Not on my Linux machine right now so I can’t tell you exactly. I have my compose key set to right alt, so for me it’s right alt + ~ + n to get ñ.
Alternatively you can install kcharselect which gives you a virtual keyboard of sorts and you can use it to insert special characters. Cumbersome, but it’s an option.
Hi, I always use the Eurkey keyboard layout. The key you mention is also in that layout and is used by holding down the right CTRL key and the letter “n” Or “Shift n” for capitalize the letter:
ñ Ñ. This is the complete layout:
You chose the layout in KDE setting → Keyboard. Click on Add at the far right of the window, select Eurkey and that’s it. Works great for many letters as you can see in the picture.
Same here
Because those codes do not work in KDE. They never did for me at least. GNOME and XFCE work fine. Surprisingly enough, they work on Firefox and Thunderbird. Must be a toolkit thing.
Anyway, go to System Settings>Keyboard>Key Bindings. Tick the “configure keyboard options” box and scroll down to the “position of compose key” option and enable it. There just choose a key that will function as your compose key. This key can now be used to type characters with accent, tildes, etc. You don’t need to keep it pressed, just press the compose key once and then the letter.
compose key then a will give you an á
compose key then ~ will give you a ñ
and so forth.