How to release mouse cursor when an Application hides it?

I am pretty new to Linux and run Gnome on Fedora 40. My main use case is developing games with Unity. When I set Unity to hide and lock my Cursor - that works as expected.
But if Unity is frozen by a breakpoint from my debugger (Rider), the Cursor is never Released again - until I release the breakpoint. It is kind of hidden and I can only interact with some elements of the Gnome GUI. This could be an implementation issue in either Unity or my Debugger, but is probably also an issue in general.
Is there no way to force-release my mouse cursor? I would expect pressing Escape to do that. Does anyone have an idea on what I could try to do? I found this forum entry, but it’s an exclusive fix for Unreal Engine. Thanks for your help and ideas!

Hi there, welcome to :fedora: .

I am not familiar with Unity, but I wonder if switching workspaces (e.g. via keyboard shortcuts) wouldn’t reveal the mouse cursor.

Hi, thanks for the idea!

Unfortunately, it didn’t work. I am then looking at a new workspace with no way to interact with it (even most keyboard inputs), until I go back to my original workspace and stop debugging.

This is similar to many modal popups (even with the ones from the upper screen title bar) in that they block access to other apps/screens/functions until the popup is dismissed by either clicking on something in the popup or otherwise dismissed.