How to install gegl-0.4.52.tar.xz (for GIMP)

I am trying to instal the GIMP graphic software but after I do this, and launch GIMP it complains that the gegl library versión isntalled is old and I shoud get a newer one in order for GIMP to run. So I went finding this software which comes as a tar.xz file
I downloaded and extracted the file but I have no clue on how to actually install it and I find no instructions either on its website or in any of the extracted files.
Any idea on what I could do to install it?

Did you install GIMP via command line?

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install gimp


PS, I saw your web site link about permaculture, cool!

No I did it via the Software installer

Have a look at the page GIMP page in software, you might have downloaded is as a Flatpak. There is a setting in the upper right hand corner.

I would recommend if you did get the Flatpak, delete (uninstall) it and either get the RPM or use the command I put in the last post.

You should not need to add anything doing it that way.

Edit: I do not recommend you manually install files such as gegl as when you update your system or GIMP you might have to manually download and update again. The RPM way of doing things (or Flatpak if all works properly) keeps everything ordered and updated for you.

Ok, thanks I managed to install it from the software panel and now it runs well!
PS: thx for having a look at my website…

Cheers, feel free to mark the ‘solution’ so other know the ticket is closed.
I’ll check out your website again when it is up from maintenance. I’ll get a permaculture garden going one day soon not too far from where I assume you are.
Have a great day!