how would I grant an active directory domain user like user@ADdomain.lan rights to elevate rights through polkit properly?
I now just created a file “/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-local-admin.conf” and added this line:
- i don’t know whether I need to add wheel and the initially created user here - I just didn’t want to mess up things
- my solution works, but feels kinda janky. is there a proper/supported/recommended way on how to do this in Fedora 41 Gnome?
Without that, whenever a domain user who is logged into the machine tries to do anything that requires privilege elevation, gets prompted for the password of the local, initially during setup created user without a way to choose a different user.
I understand that sudoers file and polkit are two completely different things. The domain user has already been granted sudo rights via sudoers file.