How to delete Fedora Rawhide Kernel from system

Hello, I have been trying to submit a bug report that I believe is a kernel issue. Part of the bug report process is to install the Fedora Rawhide kernel using the commands “sudo dnf install fedora-repos-rawhide” and “sudo dnf update --enablerepo=rawhide kernel”. What would be the proper way to delete the rawhide kernel and uninstall the repo after I have finished testing? Thank you in advance!

You do not need ro do anything to the repo, it was only enabled for the one command.

To remove the kernel first find the rpms name.

rpm -q kernel-core

Make sure you boot to another kernel, not the o e you want remove.
Then use dnf remove for the rawhide kernel-core version.

Thank you for your simple and fast reply! Worked perfectly.