Well, in short I messed my fedora, somehow saved the broke relation and now I can’t load anything but that broke relation of fedora. To solve it I want to reinstall it, I wanted to reinstall it anyway.
But I want to save my perosnal files (docs, music, pics and vids) on a external hard disk and then load it in after reinstallation. However Linux uses LUKS for encrypting and I have no idea how to decrypt it on windows (my dual boot).
Personaly I use Verycrypt for any encryption, but I didn’t encrypt linux with Veracrypt. So I can’t use Veracrypt to decrypt LUKS.
My question is, what Windows SW can decrypt LUKS. I tried to google it, but the SW didn’t worked, no longer existed or was some mess of informations.
I tried to boot a live fedora usb, but thats extremely unstable. In more than half of tries to boot into it it fails and If it finnaly boot up, then I get some error while decrypting the partition. Also windows file manager is way supperior to any linux file manager and Its really pain to use the linux ones, so its always good to know how to do these stuff from windows.
So If you’d know some SW or some way how to decrypt LUKS from a Windows machine, I’ll be glad If you share some informations.
I don’t think it is possible to decrypt a luks device from windows software.
It is usually very easy to do so by booting to a live install media usb device and then decrypt it from linux. If the file system has been damaged however, that may be another issue entirely
Try this program : GitHub - AlexSSD7/linsk: 📂 Access Linux-native file systems (including LVM and LUKS) on Windows and macOS with help of a lightweight Alpine Linux VM. x86/ARM supported.
I didn’t give it a try but it is maintained & supposed to work.
See: WSL2 Support for LUKS disk encryption. I haven’t tried this myself.
If you don’t have WSL2 linux installed, there is a lightweight Alpine Linux WSL2 package.
Okay, thank you all guys, I’ll give it a try but I don’t have much big hopes. I think I’ll solve it by simply not using LUKS in my future ever again. But as I said, thank you all.