How to change to 24hrs on fedora 41 kde

Anybody know how to change my system time to 24hrs standard ? I can’t find where i can do that.


Look in systemsettings, search for “time”, there are many localization options

I have being looking for something that looks like “change to 24hr” thing. However i can’t find it. It is not here. If you know where it is hiding, kindly tell me. Thanks

Righ click on the Clock in the taskbar > Digital Clock settings.

The default there is based on locale, there you can change to 12/24 hours.

This changes just your profiles Clock time. Login Screen still keeps 12 hours default.

Yes! it was quick direct to change, but somehow i just missed that. Thank You.
sudo localectl set-locale LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8
By the way, Is this the way to make the time 24hrs system wide ? Thanks

Another tip, I find the usual time format not informative enough, I set that to:

Date format: Custom
             ddd MMM dd yyyy

Which gets a date string on the taskbar like this

Sat Feb 01 2025

As I mentioned above … if you set your locale to Germany or any other location in Europe, it will take the 24 Hour pattern automatically.

Why I moved away from KDE are exactly such small details which makes me crazy. You can set on several places things. But they not always change.
Here an example how confusing this is within KDE:

In KDE are three ! apps involved and you have to change them separately:
sddm = login
clock = change for user
process caled kscreenlocker = lockscreen

How dare … There is still a long way till KDE can compete with Gnomes GDM.

As I also mentioned the default time (login screen) seams to be 12Hrs. Even when change in settings.

Yes, i do echo the small issues of KDE as i am using it.
However as i have never use gnome before or tilting manager nor any other DE… I came from windows os hence naturally KDE seems best seamless UI to me.

How to use gnome, how other user able to use something that so little info at the first glance… or something that not at reach as easy as kde.
I Wish if someone have youtube video that can teach kde UI user or windows user to use other ui such gnome or tilting manager… I would like to switch too if i know how to fulfill my desktop need on other DE.

Good, have you checked about a KDE Manual? Normally this would be on
Or ? As they develop it.

The only thing I see for the moment, is to learning by doing. If you want to test other DE’s you might just make a usb-pen-drive with that what is available in the download section and give it a try.

I want to know what i can do conveniently on KDE GUI is achievable conveniently on gnome GUI as well … if “yes”, then i will learn and get myself use to it thru youtube then through own experience.
If the answer is “no”, then i don’t think i want to spend time doing that what is at the end i won’t be using.

I am currently still trying to accustomize my KDE gui to my need, including color of window frame title bar… Currently my window frame title bar is breeze light… i find it very hard to know which window is in focus/ active… because the active/ focused window color is almost same color with those windows that is Not in focus/active… Hilarious that kde users can find this is productive. i have 2 monitors… and i am struggling to find out which window is in focus msot of the time… partly due to i can’t find my mouse cursor!

As i change the “colors & theme” one by one (have to try out, because there is no explaination or not clear to me)… i took time tried out all of those settings… manage to change my windows titlebar color of focused window… however i noticed that my firefox window frame title bar color is not affected by the change! another minor bug i think.
Is it because firefox is not gtk while kde is QT based ? so, only application that compiled by on QT affect with the change. while firefox gtk based is not affected at all… crazy…

Now how do i able to achieve my goal of : all active/ focused window frame title bar has to be bright blue color , so that i can see it at first glance when i am searching for my mouse cursor and the stacks of opened windows on 2 monitors ?