How to change the system name in the user interface of the Anaconda installer?

I want to change system name in the user interface of the Anaconda installer,but I don’t know how to change it.
This picture is original system name:

I want to change my system name.(e.g. My Fedora OS 41)

there is no installer option on Workstation some spins have difrent installer or use Fedora Everything installer where you can change the os name or use Terminal sudo hostnamectl set-hostname the_name_of_hostname

emmmm… I don’t understand it.I need to change the anaconda installer on the system name.such as “FEDORA 41 INSTALLATION” change as “MY FEDORA OS 41”

wait you are making custom image using fedora as base and want to change logos and images?

Yes.I want to make spin-offs Fedora Linux

well that needs to get full repo and start editing the files and spin of fedora you need to check licensing what needs to have permissions and what is not and what can do and what cant since Fedora is pretected and trademarket etc…

I understand this problem.In the case that I do not use Fedora trademarks,I need to change the anaconda installer on the system name.such as “FEDORA 41 INSTALLATION” change as “My Linux OS 41”

and that needs to get base fedora files and edit the files and then build the image

Which file or package is required?

change some release files