How Do I Switch My Screen to Grayscale?

Hi! Simple enough question. I’m on a ThinkPad T460. I don’t believe there are any hardware settings I set from any menus from when the system is booting up to remove color saturation from my screen. I want a totally gray screen for productivity purposes, can’t find a setting in Tweaks or the general settings, and have no idea how to go about this.

I’m a total beginner, both on Linux and with ThinkPads, and it doesn’t help that the only thread I’ve found online is on some other forum with a post from 2012 that is far too technical for me to understand and likely inapplicable today. I’ve searched through the FAQ, and the “grayscale” tag only comes up in some irrelevant ways on this forum, so I couldn’t find anything to help me. Still, I’ll happily be proven wrong if I can be redirected to a baby’s guide on how to go about this.


If you have Fedora workstation 40 You could attempt to change the Color Profile of your display :

I’m not sure if this will work, but you can try :man_shrugging:t5:

There is a deprecated extension :

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There is also this gnome extension. It works on gnome 46.

It comes with a button in the topbar to toggle the extension, so that is kinda nice. Makes it possible to quickly disable it when temporary needing color.


I’m not sure how to use that application. I have it, but can’t really click on or change anything. Thank you for the quick response though! Much love.

It worked perfectly! Thank you! Is there a risk of this going unsupported or breaking? If so, what should I do? Hope that development picks back up and support continues?

Thanks again!

There is always that risk with extensions, but this one seems to be well supported and quite popular so I think it will be fine.

If it does stop receiving updates you could try searching for another extension (grayscale seems to be popular, so if this extension stops another will likely be created) or nicely asking the developer for support.

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Added color-management, grayscale