Extracted the file, and copied the raster file to CUPS filters: sudo cp rollo-driver-ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2/ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2/rastertolabelbeeprt /usr/lib/cups/filter/
Installed the printer in CUPS, using the PDD file: rollo-driver-ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2/ubuntu_x86_64_v1.0.2/ppd/ThermalPrinter.ppd
I believe I need to copy the raster file to /usr/lib/cups/filter/ and upon googling I came across this: Reddit - Dive into anything
This post suggest creating a rpm package. I tried following it and I’m honestly not sure what went wrong. I even tried to get ChatGPT to guide me through. I’m not even sure whether layering through a rpm package will work.
Below the same post, there was another solution:
Another way to do this which I don’t often see mentioned would be by using systemd-sysext, which allows for system extensions to be loaded in the usr directory using overlayfs. This means you can overlay additional files (meaning they are not actually in the usr directory) during runtime even though you cannot modify the usr directory.
Make a /var/lib/extensions/YourExtensionName directory.
Add a /var/lib/extensions/YourExtensionName/usr directory and your needed files inside it.
Copy /etc/os-release to /var/lib/extensions/YourExtensionName/usr/lib/extension-release.d/extension-release.YourExtensionName
Use systemd-sysext merge to overlay your extensions
Use systemctl enable systemd-sysext to automatically merge your extensions on boot
I also tried that, but I get the error of are you sure you are logged in? Using systemd seems to change my password and I cannot log back in, until i restart my pc. This might have something to do with SELinux, I’m not sure.
ChatGPT also gave me the suggestion of copying the files through toolbox, it seems to have done something, but even after adding the ppd file it still wouldn’t print.
As you apparently need to setup some files in /usr, you should look into making a small RPM package using fpm and overlaying that. That should be the easiest option right now.
Thank you for your response. I just had a look at fpm using gpt and it does seem like an easier way of doing it. I’ll give it another shot in my gnome-boxes.
Okay! So what I’ve did is, I entered toolbox so I can use dnf commands.
Install required tools: ruby and fpm using these commands:
dnf install -y ruby ruby-devel gcc make cups-devel
gem install --no-document fpm
My goal was to move rastertolabelbeeprt into /usr/lib/cups/filter/. First I have to move the file into the container created by toolbox. cp /path/to/rastertolabelbeeprt
Now I can create the rpm using fpm:
fpm -s dir -t rpm
–name rastertolabelbeeprt
–version 1.0
–iteration 1
–description “A filter for CUPS that converts raster images to labels.”
–prefix /usr/lib/cups/filter/
the command that specifies --prefix /usr/lib/cups/filter/ will place rastertolabelbeeprt into /usr/lib/cups/filter/ on the host system.
You can locate the create rpm package using:
ls *.rpm
which returns: rastertolabelbeeprt-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
The rpm file can then be layered using rpm-ostree: