i’m completely new here. since 99 on windows systems and since only 5 weeks the first time linux “experienced”. jumped from one distro to another, because most of the time from day 2 on, only problems occurred. since 5 days working on f29 silverblue and not a single serious problem appeared since then. everything runs more smoothly than under windows or bloated/classic linux - distros.
i’m the living proof that silverblue is beginner-friendly/user-friendly too. it’s not just for nerds, even though it’s fun to become a nerd here. think of me as “the ordinary user out there.” he just wants to do his work on his laptop without having to mutate into a programmer or system administrator.
and thanks to your playful approach @alex285 - i was able to activate auto-updates and more. in the meantime, i’ve also figured out “ostree”, already rolled back and forth, pinned and unpinned, et cetera. it’s child’s play. it’s beauty. it’s full of potential. and i’m ready to build my first own container. thx for this outstanding work.
the only layered package is fedora’s chromium (i can’t stand firefox because i’m tired of the ever - growing user.config, which grows because mozilla makes very questionable decisions & sends data to google & and use too much telemetry ( + one has to deal with 2 policies (google & mozilla) when some “security options” are activated (per default)). and the eye-pain-causing-firefox-gui/font-ugliness under every linux-distro i tried is a complete desaster compared to windows - versions.
since this is the case, one can also use chromium instead and try to “ungoogle” as much as possible. but this is not enough. i would very much appreciate it, if you could integrate a browser that doesn’t phone home (@google & @mozilla itself). fedoras own chromium - fork with vaapi support would be predestined for it. or use the ungoogled-brave browser as standard. that would be much more up-to-date and secure. i’m going into this for so long because i read that firefox should be included by default as flatpak in the next version.
the only linux phenomenon i haven’t understood yet (firefox is standard in every distro - unquestioned). the windows community is a little rougher to mozilla in these days. deserved. based on facts.
but now I’ve gone too far again.
please stay minimalistic and don’t include too much in the upcoming version. what i always had to criticize about linux - distros were the countless applications/packages (i do not need) and uninstalling most of them (on non-ostree-systems) always led to a complete disaster for the whole os.
that wasn’t freedom, that was imprisonment and forcing. something i luckily didn’t have with f29 silverblue. what i need, i get over time. as an appimage, as a flatpak, in a container or if not otherwise possible - as a layer.
what i actually wanted to aks: i have 2 hard disks. one ssd and one mechanical. on the ssd runs (still) windows. because f29 silverblue runs stable and gives better results than windows (also in terms of graphics & performance), this f29 silverblue version should be running on the ssd - drive instead of windows.
is it possible “to save a deployment” and copy it to an usb-stick and “bring it back” to the os after the new installation? or is it possible to “move” silverblues root/swap/home ect. (after windows is deleted) from the second hard disk to the first ssd-hard disk (with any gnome tool or per terminal?).
yes, i wanted to ask that ;). linux-newbie questions. no hardcore developer - questions. sorry for the long text, but there are a lot of additional new impressions.