Hard crash to login screen

I have been having an issue lately where my session will hard crash to the login screen. It’s not a full reboot, it just immediately dumps to the login screen. All running programs are killed, which is really frustrating. I haven’t found anything interesting in the log files.

Does anyone have any ideas on where to start looking? My system is a Framework 16 with the AMD graphics expansion.

This is a similar issue that may help: Gnome apps cause WM to fail on Fedora 40

This seems like a fairly old issue, it still isn’t patched? One of the solutions was switching to amdgpu, does anyone know how I can tell if my card is supported?

Your system will use amdgpu by default, any AMD machine from the last ~5 years will use that driver. You can check this in a terminal like this:

$ lsmod |grep amdgpu

Considering your problem with the session crashing, can you see anything back in the log perhaps around the time this happens? You can see the daily log in a terminal like this:

$ journalctl --since=today

One thing you could also try is to boot into the 6.9 kernel for a while and see if that makes a difference. There have been some issues with AMD on kernel 6.10, so this might help to determine if that is a factor on your system.

Hey Steve,

Did you find any resolution to this? I’m on Fedora 40 on a Thinkpad with an AMD Ryzen 5, no dedicated GPU.


Mine seemed to be related to a faulty GPU module. I got a replacement, and it’s been good since.