Grub-btrfs and Makefile error

I did a custom GUI-install and named / to @ and /home @home so it can be seen by Timeshift. It works fine.
As a final touch I would like to add grub-btrfs so the snapshots appear as a submenu listing available snapshots. grub-btrfs seems is expecting /boot/grub but Fedora is expecting /boot/grub2
I changed line 589 to /boot/grub2 but still get the error.

sudo make BOOT_DIR_FEDORA=/boot/grub2 install


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  For further information visit or read the man page: 'man grub-btrfs'

Installing manpages...
Installing systemd .service file
Installing docs...
Updating the GRUB menu...
Generating grub configuration file ...
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Detecting snapshots ...
/etc/grub.d/41_snapshots-btrfs: line 589: /boot/grub/ No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:56: install] Error 1

Here is some grep output. I notice DEBIAN is not uncommented and points to /boot/grub.

cat Makefile | grep -n “grub”

1:PKGNAME ?= grub-btrfs
8:BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN ?= /boot/grub
9:BOOT_DIR_FEDORA ?= /boot/grub2
39:	@echo "  For further information visit or read the man page: 'man grub-btrfs'"
44:	@cp manpages/ ${TEMP_DIR}/grub-btrfs.8
47:		install -Dm644 -t "${MAN_DIR}/man8" "${TEMP_DIR}/grub-btrfs.8"; \
49:	@cp manpages/ ${TEMP_DIR}/grub-btrfsd.8
51:		install -Dm644 -t "${MAN_DIR}/man8" "${TEMP_DIR}/grub-btrfsd.8"; \
53:	@install -Dm755 -t "$(DESTDIR)/etc/grub.d/" 41_snapshots-btrfs
54:	@install -Dm644 -t "$(DESTDIR)/etc/default/grub-btrfs/" config
55:	@install -Dm744 -t "$(BIN_DIR)/" grub-btrfsd;
59:		install -Dm644 -t "$(LIB_DIR)/systemd/system/" grub-btrfsd.service; \
64:		install -Dm744 grub-btrfsd.initd "$(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/grub-btrfsd"; \
65:		install -Dm644 grub-btrfsd.confd "$(DESTDIR)/etc/conf.d/grub-btrfsd"; \
70:		install -Dm644 "initramfs/Arch Linux/overlay_snap_ro-install" "$(LIB_DIR)/initcpio/install/grub-btrfs-overlayfs"; \
71:		install -Dm644 "initramfs/Arch Linux/overlay_snap_ro-hook" "$(LIB_DIR)/initcpio/hooks/grub-btrfs-overlayfs"; \
79:	@if command -v grub-mkconfig > /dev/null && [ -e "$(BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN)/grub.cfg" ] && test "$(GRUB_UPDATE_EXCLUDE)" = false; then \
81:		grub-mkconfig -o "$(BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN)/grub.cfg"; \
83:	@if command -v grub2-mkconfig > /dev/null && [ -e "$(BOOT_DIR_FEDORA)/grub.cfg" ] && test "$(GRUB_UPDATE_EXCLUDE)" = false; then \
85:		grub2-mkconfig -o "$(BOOT_DIR_FEDORA)/grub.cfg"; \
89:	@echo "Uninstalling grub-btrfs"
94:	@grub_dirname="$$(grep -oP '^[[:space:]]*GRUB_BTRFS_GRUB_DIRNAME=\K.*' "$(DESTDIR)/etc/default/grub-btrfs/config" | sed "s|\s*#.*||;s|(\s*\(.\+\)\s*)|\1|;s|['\"]||g")"; \
95:	 rm -f "$${grub_dirname:-/boot/grub}/grub-btrfs.cfg"
96:	@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)/etc/default/grub-btrfs/config"
97:	@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)/etc/grub.d/41_snapshots-btrfs"
98:	@rm -f "$(LIB_DIR)/systemd/system/grub-btrfsd.service"
99:	@rm -f "$(BIN_DIR)/grub-btrfsd;"
100:	@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/grub-btrfsd;"
101:	@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)/etc/conf.d/grub-btrfsd;"
102:	@rm -f "$(LIB_DIR)/initcpio/install/grub-btrfs-overlayfs"
103:	@rm -f "$(LIB_DIR)/initcpio/hooks/grub-btrfs-overlayfs"
104:	@rm -f "$(MAN_DIR)/man8/grub-btrfs.8.bz2"
105:	@rm -f "$(MAN_DIR)/man8/grub-btrfsd.8.bz2"
117:	@rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$(DESTDIR)/etc/default/grub-btrfs" || :
118:	@if command -v grub-mkconfig > /dev/null && [ -e "$(BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN)/grub.cfg" ] && test "$(GRUB_UPDATE_EXCLUDE)" = false; then \
120:                grub-mkconfig -o "$(BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN)/grub.cfg"; \
122:	@if command -v grub2-mkconfig > /dev/null && [ -e "$(BOOT_DIR_FEDORA)/grub.cfg" ] && test "$(GRUB_UPDATE_EXCLUDE)" = false; then \
124:		grub2-mkconfig -o "$(BOOT_DIR_FEDORA)/grub.cfg"; \
144:	@echo "  BOOT_DIR_DEBIAN     | path | boot data location (Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Arch...)  | '/boot/grub'"
145:	@echo "  BOOT_DIR_FEDORA     | path | boot data location (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Rocky...)   | '/boot/grub2'"
148:	@echo "  PKGNAME             | name | name of the distributed package                       | 'grub-btrfs'"
152:	@echo "  GRUB_UPDATE_EXCLUDE | bool | Do not update grub after installation                 | false"

I welcome any suggestions.

It seem Fedora has a few issues with grub-btrfs. I looked at No submenu created on fedora · Issue #348 · Antynea/grub-btrfs · GitHub and it seems to be be my next mountain to climb. Unless someone here has it working, would I be better to install snapper and do it all from the command line?

Does any one have a tutorial to get this grub-btrfs show on the road in Fedora?

I have BTRFS Assistant installed and it sees the snapshots, but of course it is also expecting the Grub menu to list the snapshots.