Gnome shell core dump after running 2 days

System information:

lialh4@lialh4-pc ~> fastfetch
             .',;::::;,'.                 lialh4@lialh4-pc
         .';:cccccccccccc:;,.             ----------------
      .;cccccccccccccccccccccc;.          OS: Fedora Linux 41 (Workstation Edition) x86_64
    .:cccccccccccccccccccccccccc:.        Host: MS-7B23 (1.0)
  .;ccccccccccccc;.:dddl:.;ccccccc;.      Kernel: Linux 6.12.9-200.fc41.x86_64
 .:ccccccccccccc;OWMKOOXMWd;ccccccc:.     Uptime: 1 day, 16 hours, 3 mins
.:ccccccccccccc;KMMc;cc;xMMc;ccccccc:.    Packages: 1831 (rpm), 42 (flatpak)
,cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cc;;WW:;cccccccc,    Shell: fish 3.7.0
:cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc:    Display (AOC 19"): 1440x900 @ 75 Hz in 19" [External]
:ccccccc;oxOOOo;MMM000k.;cccccccccccc:    DE: GNOME 47.3
cccccc;0MMKxdd:;MMMkddc.;cccccccccccc;    WM: Mutter (Wayland)
ccccc;XMO';cccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc'    WM Theme: WhiteSur-Light-alt-pink
ccccc;MMo;ccccc;MMW.;ccccccccccccccc;     Theme: WhiteSur-Light-alt-pink [GTK2/3/4]
ccccc;0MNc.ccc.xMMd;ccccccccccccccc;      Icons: WhiteSur-pink-light [GTK2/3/4]
cccccc;dNMWXXXWM0:;cccccccccccccc:,       Font: WenQuanYi Micro Hei (12pt) [GTK2/3/4]
cccccccc;.:odl:.;cccccccccccccc:,.        Cursor: WhiteSur (24px)
ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:'.          Terminal: Ptyxis 47.6
:ccccccccccccccccccccccc:;,..             Terminal Font: WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono (12pt)
 ':cccccccccccccccc::;,.                  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 (6) @ 4.10 GHz
                                          GPU 1: Intel Arc A380 @ 2.45 GHz [Discrete]
                                          GPU 2: Intel UHD Graphics 630 @ 1.05 GHz [Integrated]
                                          Memory: 10.38 GiB / 15.47 GiB (67%)
                                          Swap: 568.43 MiB / 40.00 GiB (1%)
                                          Disk (/): 90.66 GiB / 123.21 GiB (74%) - xfs
                                          Disk (/media/hdd): 554.08 GiB / 931.06 GiB (60%) - xfs
                                          Disk (/media/windows): 53.95 GiB / 100.00 GiB (54%) - ntfs3
                                          Local IP (eno1):
                                          Locale: en_US.UTF-8


Current boot journal:
$ journalctl -b 0

ps: first dump core log is on line 112046 and 113680

Hi and welcome to :fedora: !

Can you run coredumpctl list, identify the process with issue, then run coredumpctl info <pid>[1] and post the output?

Certain GNOME Shell extensions are known to cause such crashes. Do you have any extensions installed? If so, you could check if the issue reproduces with extensions disabled.

PS: There’s a Fedora pastebin tool for saving really long logs, which is installed on Fedora machines: fpaste[2].

  1. Replacing <pid> with the process number of the gnome-shell crash. ↩︎

  2. See man page for usage. ↩︎

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coredump info result:

extension list:

i’ll disable extensions and run another 2 days to test

There are a few extensions indeed, maybe one of them is causing the crashes. After running them disabled, if the crash doesn’t reproduce anymore, you can try enabling them one by one and see which one could be the culprit.

You can also take a look in the journalctl logs around the time of the crash, you might find some hints. For the crash posted above, a command that would show the logs starting 2 minutes before the crash and ending 1 minute after it would be: journalctl -S '2025-01-27 05:28:13' -U '2025-01-27 05:31:13'.

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Using google drive like this is not a suitable way to provide information. It is totally unreadable unless the content is downloaded.

Instead only copy and paste the relevant portion of the lines using the preformatted text tags.
Either copy and paste the text then highlight it and click the </> button on the tool bar, or put ``` on the line before the text and on the line following the text.
Those tags keep it formatted as seen on-screen.

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