Is there a way to permanently make Gnome set Firefox’s Picture-In-Picture to be “Always on top” (and maybe “Always on Visible Workspace”)?
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The “PiP on top” extension does this. By default, the extension makes Firefox PIP on top of all windows, but a configuration setting lets you also have it show on all workspaces.
The easiest way to install extensions is to use the “Extension Manager” app from Flathub @ Install Extension Manager on Linux | Flathub and search for “pip” on the browse tab, then click the install button.
Otherwise, the “PiP on top” extension homepage has manual instructions on its GitHub page: GitHub - Rafostar/gnome-shell-extension-pip-on-top: Makes "Picture-in-Picture" windows stay on top (even on Wayland session). Compatible with Firefox, but may work with few other browsers too.