Gnome does not allow login

So I kind of forget about this thread. But today I saw this, and I have learnt more about Linux in this time. I have tried a lot more distros, and now I have much more knowledge about the issue here. Fedora comes with open source nvidia drivers which were causing this issue and I just have to install the proprietary drivers and that fixes it. This fix was an out-of-the-blue solution. But nonetheless, I came to realise it.


Glad the proprietary driver worked for you. In my case, it didn’t work. May be because of my old GT730 gpu. Nvidia’s 470xx driver which Nvidia provides particularly for 470xx, completely messed up the system and did not reach even the login screen and showed a black screen with a blinking cursor. After 7 attempts with installing Fedora from scratch, I gave up and let Fedora use its own driver whatever it is and it is working nicely. The only problem I am facing now, is KDENLIVE is not recognising the gpu, not in Windows, not in Fedora. I have to search for answer. If KDENLIVE problem persists, I would change to some other video editor.

So fedora comes with noeveau drivers by default, try searching a fix for kdenlive with noeveau drivers of you specific gpu model

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I have another idea with how I was using proptest in /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default that maybe a race-condition was causing proptest not to be able to apply things.


sudo dnf install 'drm-utils' -y && sudo -e '/etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default'

# Broadcast RGB (99) to Full (1)
proptest -M 'i915' -D '/dev/dri/card'* '103' 'connector' '99' '1'

# content type (107) to Game (4)
proptest -M 'i915' -D '/dev/dri/card'* '103' 'connector' '107' '4'

# End

That would work fine to set Full RGB and content type on an external HDMI screen after log-in.

I’m not entirely sure how those commands run without an external HDMI screen connected, but perhaps GDM/GNOME interacting with proptest by itself can cause a race condition regardless if it modifies a display? (I’ve seen this sometimes even with just the laptop by itself unplugged from everything)

I’m now trying something similar with setting it from user after-login from .bashrc and xrandr instead:

mkdir -p ~/'.bashrc.d' && nano ~/'.bashrc.d/HDMI.bashrc'
xrandr --output 'HDMI-1' --set 'Broadcast RGB' 'Full'
xrandr --output 'HDMI-1' --set 'content type' 'Game'

Edit: Still no-go, but I kind of suspect something still related to display settings.

Your other post caused me to look at this again. I don’t blame you if you don’t feel like messing with this anymore, but if you do, have you tried using a different login manager like SDDM? I think sudo dnf install sddm, sudo systemctl disable gdm.service, and sudo systemctl enable sddm.service (and a reboot) ought to be sufficient to switch from GDM to SDDM.

Edit: Pardon about the typo. :person_facepalming: