FOSDEM 2025: General organization & collaboration topic

Thanks for kicking this off, @py0xc3! Over in the Mindshare Committee, I am working with @ffmancera to begin the planning process. Fernando volunteered to be the event owner for this year, and we have been slowly but surely getting things in order for FOSDEM:

The next steps are to create a Fedora Wiki page and begin building a budget proposal for the event. This will help us organize our efforts. A Fedora Discussion topic was also on the to-do list, but congratulations, you crossed this one off the list. :grinning:

Some things are in place though. I applied with a stand application for Fedora. We are waiting to hear back. Also, together with friends from CentOS, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, openSUSE, and Debian, we also proposed the Distributions DevRoom once again too. We are waiting to hear back on that as well.