Fedora Mentored Projects - Council Hackfest

Article Summary:

Summary of what is Fedora Mentored Projects and what we did during the Fedora Council Hackfest.

Article Description:
The article talks about what is the Fedora Mentored Projects initiative, what we did already and what do we plan to do.

Link to draft


Featured image or inspiration for one?

I do not have any currently

Hey, @ffmancera.
The mentored projects initiative is doing a great job and it was insightful to learn what the initiative has been up to and the ongoing work.
I have scheduled the Fedora Mentored Projects - Council Hackfest post for today. It will go live at 8:00 am UTC+0 on September 16, 2024, in about an hour.

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Thanks for getting this scheduled and published, @roseline-bassey! :muscle:

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