The system freezes completely. The keyboard, moreover, does not even seem to receive power anymore, since if I press the caps lock button, the light indicating caps lock activation does not light up. If there was audio playing, the last few moments played continue to loop. The only way to get out of the situation described is to force the computer to shut down with the shut down button.
I am using Fedora in dual boot with Windows 10, Windows is installed on the SSD and Fedora on the HDD of the computer.
Please tell me what commands I can use to get in-depth information about the error so that I can share it, Fedora is the first Linux system I am using “seriously” to avoid Windows 11 but this problem is definitely annoying.
General specifications of my computer: 16gb RAM, Ryzen 5 2400g with VEGA 11. Windows 10 works fine and has no issues, Fedora is updated to the latest version of Fedora KDE plasma desktop.
Description of your hardware: we like to use inxi inxi -Fzxx
The logs are all stored in two journals, the system journal and the user journal.
Use journalctl to view the system journal and journalctl --user to view the user journal.
Do you have another computer that you could use to ssh into the failing system?
If so then ssh into the system and look at the recent system logs.
A broken caps lock could mean that the linux kernel has crash.
Or it could be an issue with the USB port that the keyboard is plugged into.
Try using a different USB port. Also you can try unplugging and plugging in the keyboard to see if it comes to life.
The power button should do a controlled shutdown. Does that work?
If it does then you can view the logs of previous boot using sudo journalctl -b -1.
Look for kernel panics, messages about USB.
It might be that you have a hardware issue. It would be worth testing your memory using the memtest tool. You would need to run it for a long time, suggest you leave it running overnight.
I will try that, thank you, for now I tried installing the GNOME Desktop Environment along with KDE and, interesting thing, Fedora now is not crashing… I will do some testing.
Is the system freezing while you’re actively using it or after sitting unused for a while? If the later, then I’m wondering if the system is trying to go to sleep (suspend). There have been a lot of bugs lately causing suspend problems or problems trying to resume after a suspend. Go to your Gnome or KDE settings are see how long your system is set to suspend after no activity and see if that matches how long before you hit the hang. I’m hitting a new problem trying to resume from suspend after updating to the 6.12.10 kernel.
Okay, so, the USB port isn’t the problem, actually a few seconds after the freeze the keyboard still activactes the caps lock (even if after some seconds I pressed the caps button).
The power button doesn’t do anything if I press it once (it just shuts the monitor but the computer still works, as I can hear from the noise and because the light of the button would start flashing, instead it stays still).
I ran the commands you suggested, they all worked succesfully and I exported their content to .txt files; I tried to look at them and there are things that seem to “fail” now and then but I’m really new to Linux and I have no idea about what I’m looking at most of times…
Do you think it would be safe to upload the output of the said commands here in my post so someone can help me or do they contain sensitive information?