Fedora 42: dbus start(s) fail; system is unusable


After several upgrades over a few days, I rebooted my system. During boot here are now numerous messages about various dbus services failing. The display moves rapidly and can’t be studied. Now, I can not login as any user. Switching kernels in the grub menu does not help. From a live system, I have updated the system further, thinking that it was a bad upgrade. No luck.

I’m stuck with a live system at this point in time and am in serious need of help.

Best regards,


Welcome to Fedora @grgoffe

You are talking about Fedora (42) Rawhide right, this is the development version and should not be used for productive systems. Are you aware of that?

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Thanks for the response.

Yes, I am aware of the “dangers” of rawhide. Thank you.

I use rawhide for what I’m doing just so I can report bugs… to further the Fedora effort AND to experience (and influence(?) the directions that Fedora is taking us all. Sometimes it bites me (ouch)… like now.

So. Has anyone else seen this problem? What is the solution… other than re-install the distribution (the microsoft solution) of course.

There is a lot of “chatter” on the Web about this problem for other versions of Fedora so perhaps the problem NEEDS better attention? Why does it keep happening? If the problem keeps happening, what does the system do? Other than print unhelpful error messages and become unresponsive.

Best regards,


Can you please Start Here get some ideas what is needed to report an issue. There is also the doc where you find information.

Of course we are happy to get reports, we just need information so that we can solve it.

Rawhide problems should be reported to the mailing list at test@lists.fedoraproject.org so the problem is directly reported to the developers.

This forum is mostly for the currently active releases. Very few developers frequent this list so they are not likely so see anything that is discussed here for rawhide.

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