I acquired a surface pro 3 and can’t seem to boot 41 workstation or Rawhide. What would get me up with a working environment I could install linux-surface on or bootstrap an install with? Bios settings? What build? Any input?
I acquired a surface pro 3 and can’t seem to boot 41 workstation or Rawhide. What would get me up with a working environment I could install linux-surface on or bootstrap an install with? Bios settings? What build? Any input?
For whatever reason etcher didn’t work properly but fedora writer did. Works now on Rawhide. Full support. Wow.
Good work! You can mark your own post as the solution, and hope to see you back here
Note that unless you are intending to always run rawhide and put up with occasional breakage with the development process it would be wise to either switch to f41 or when f42 is branched from rawhide (sometime in February probably) switch to that release.
Rawhide is the full development line and as software is updated and tested it is quite common to encounter occasional problems with different software packages. It is actually somewhat stable, but not nearly as stable as the released versions.
Hawkline5 on eBay is selling these things for under 100 dollars. In good condition. It’s an awesome little tablet. I tested in live and have been using fydeos on it all day. Going to btrfs subvol it tomorrow. Those losers at rhel removed btrfs support.
I use ~amd64 on Gentoo and testing/Trixie on Debian. If it’s so horribly broken it’s horribly horrible the ownice is on these Fedora dewds.
I was able to boot to live cd and create btrfs subvols via command prompt and the installer picked up on them and created the fstab no problem. I was impressed by how easy it was.
Previously I have written tutorials on how to do it manually.
Nice tutorial, great to see someone who can write documentation interested in Fedora, Welcome to the Forums Nate, glad to have you here.
i’m trying to figure out how to get surface-kernel working but it only supports f41. I tried to modify the surface-kernel repo file but it has a dependence that isn’t in rawhide tree. Think it’s trying to pull in a non testing version of a dep.
I had been playing around with Fedora on a Surface Pro 3 for a little while, starting with F39 onwards.
I wrote up my experiences with F39 and an beta version of F40 at: Linh Pham | Blog | Installing Fedora on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3