Hi, using VirtualBox i installed fedora 41 on my lenovo 11th Gen laptop based on Udemy course “Linux For Absolute Beginners”. in the next step “instal to hard drive” window open Incorrectly & cant see anything. i try to restart & change the theme to light but didnt work. this is screenshot below. please help me . maybe i download iso fedora 40 version and replace that.
thanks for your attention .
If I understand the comment correctly, it would seem you may be running windows and using virtualbox to run fedora in a VM. Is that correct?
Please verify (or correct) this understanding
I seem to see graphical artifacts in that image so this may be a problem with selecting an incorrect video mode in VB that does not work properly with fedora.
Does fedora install, then give this problem after installation or is this seen during installation? If during installation then it almost certainly is an issue with config of the VM within VB.