The suggest appears to build a newer version than the one supplied with Fedora 41 Beta, I can see the “Release” is from 2020 but there are plenty of tweaks since then.
FWIW, this bug also seems to cause crashes in the Save As… dialog, at least in some KDE apps - I noticed that Spectacle, the KDE screenshot tool, was crashing when I chose Save As, then noticed that the top of the stack in the crashed process was libimobiledevice…and sure enough, unplugging my iPhone fixed the problem.
As mentioned in the ticket and in the other thread, for the time being the issue can be worked around by running sudo update-crypto-policies --set FEDORA40, which will downgrade the crypto policy to the f40 one.
While sudo update-crypto-policies --set FEDORA40 also solves the problem for me, can anyone explain what’s the security implication of such downgrade? What components does it affect other than libimobile?