(Michael Jack)
May 2, 2024, 6:29am
I can’t find the Location settings on a clean Fedora 40 install.
I’m pretty sure they are supposed to be under Privacy & Security settings, see attached. Searching in Gnome Settings doesn’t help.
During the initial user setup, I selected no to location services and automatic problem reporting.
Any ideas?
Location services have been removed from Gnome 46
opened 05:45PM - 13 Mar 24 UTC
The accuracy of [Mozilla Location Service ](https://location.services.mozilla.co… m/)(MLS) has steadily declined. With no plans to restart the stumbler program or increase investments to MLS we have made the decision to retire the service.
In 2013, Mozilla launched MLS as an open service to provide geolocation lookups based on publicly observable radio signals. The service received community submissions of GPS data from the open source [MozStumbler](https://github.com/mozilla/MozStumbler) Android app. In 2019, Skyhook Holdings, Inc contacted Mozilla and alleged that MLS infringed a number of its patents. We reached an agreement with Skyhook that avoided litigation. This required us to [make changes to our MLS policies](https://blog.mozilla.org/services/2019/09/03/a-new-policy-for-mozilla-location-service/) and made it difficult for us to invest in and expand MLS. In early 2021, we [retired](https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/retiring-mozilla-stumbler/75206) the MozStumbler program.
We are grateful for the contributions of the community to MLS to both the code and the dataset. To minimize disruptions and allow people time to make alternative arrangements, we have created a schedule that implements the retirement in stages. The retirement plan can be tracked in this issue.
There will be five stages.
1. As of today (Mar 13th, 2024) we will stop granting new API access keys. All pending applications will be rejected.
2. On March 27th, 2024 we will stop accepting POST data submissions to the API. All submissions will receive a 403 response and the submitted data will be discarded. Additionally, we will stop publishing new exports of cell data for download.
3. On April 10th, 2024 the cell data downloads will be deleted and will no longer be available.
4. On June 12th, 2024 third party API keys will be removed and the service will only be available for Mozilla’s use cases.
5. On July 31st, 2024 this source repo (https://github.com/mozilla/ichnaea) will be archived.
The source code for the MLS application, Mozilla Ichnaea, will remain available under the Apache License 2.0.
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(Michael Jack)
May 2, 2024, 8:53am
Thank you, I hadn’t noticed that MLS would be removed in Gnome 46.
Next question: how do I turn off/remove what looks to be a location based on location service from Weather?
Notice the icon in the top right and the icon next to Ålborg (about 200 km from my location) in the screenshot below
(Vladislav Grigoryev)
May 2, 2024, 9:17am
gsettings set org.gnome.system.location enabled "false"
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.weather automatic-location "false"
gsettings set org.gnome.clocks geolocation "false"
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(Michael Jack)
May 2, 2024, 9:37am
Thank you, these 3 gsettings helped solve my problem.
There’s probably still some work to do regarding the removal of Location Service from Gnome 46.
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The merge request was closed without being merged.
Let’s not do that for 46.0. There’s no consensus on how to go about it. We don’t need to rush.
Fedora just needs to build it with the option enabled:
which apparently is already done and pushed to stable.
But… Mozilla Location Services is shutting down really soon (June 12), so all of this will stop working anyway
Attached: 1 image
After being kneecapped by a #patents troll years ago, #Mozilla Location Services, the only somewhat trusted (non-Google/Apple) "Wi-Fi positioning system" (geolocation based on triangulating collected #WiFi SSIDs), is now...