I did a full update to prepare to upgrade from Fedora 39 to 40. I am running DKMod. Whenever I do an update (including in many earlier versions of Fedora) it breaks my graphic drivers.
Previously I have tried all the other available drivers via DNF Dragora and only DKMod allows both the Nvidia panel which has Digital Vibrance as well as games to work via WINE.
This time when I updated the graphics drivers (as you are forced to in able to upgrade Fedora versions) the resolution shrunk down to, and locked in at 1024 x 768. The Nvidia control panel lost most of its options, including Digital Vibrance. When still in F39 I did an dnf undo using command lines and it said Error: Cannot find rpm nevra (etc for all 100 or so items that were updated), so there is no undoing it. I also tried loading 2 previous versions of Fedora in the grub, but they had the same issue.
At the moment items in Display locked are: Resolution, Refresh Rate, User Interface Scale. I can only change the Rotation if I choose.
The Control Panel shows I am using Display Server X11 with a GeForce GTX 1060.
Any fix to this without a reinstall? A reinstall for me takes about 3 days because of installing other programs and having to reconfigure them all along with Fedora itself.