I recently purchased a brand new Framework Laptop 13 with the Intel Core Ultra Series 1 (https://frame.work). I haven’t even turned it on yet. I know that I want to use Fedora as the operating system, but I would also like to increase its security and usability in the following ways:
- Full Disk Encryption (with single password sign-in by bypassing additional passphrase prompt using the TPM2 Method)
- UEFI secure boot with a custom key (including removing the Microsoft keys)
- Add Snapshot and Rollback Support
I located these two guides, which in theory together should allow me to do what I am looking for:
- Should I set up the secure boot with custom keys before or after setting up FDE?
- Is there anything I need to check on / know about before I would remove the Microsoft keys to make sure I don’t brick my computer? Is there any functionality that I may lose by removing them? (I will not be using Microsoft software on the computer)
- Is there a benefit or disadvantage to GNOME vs KDE desktop environment? (I have read plenty that describes the GNOME desktop more simple and KDE more customizable. I really just don’t know what this means from a practical standpoint.)
A. Is there any features or security concerns I need to know related to either of these?
B. If I went with GNOME, is there any changes I need to make to the above UEFI secure boot guide, as that is written related to KDE. - Is there any changes I need to make to the steps from the above guides to make this work?
- Is there a way to backup the bios before I make any changes, just in case. Is that even a thing?
My background:
I have basically no Linux experience. I have always been the family / resident “tech guy” but mostly I just know how to web search, navigate computers, and trouble shoot with trial and error. I have very very basic coding knowledge (mostly searching for pre-typed code for what I need and dropping it in a website). I currently don’t have a working computer to test anything on a Linux VM. I am not convinced it would help much, as the bios and hardware will be different on the Framework anyways.
I did look at other guides and posts but can not seem to find anything that addresses what I have questions on.
I’m sorry if any of these are stupid noob questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated.