the error code is:
Internal error:
Error running transaction: file /usr/bin/VBoxAudioTest from install of virtualbox-guest-additions-7.1.0-2.fc40.x86_64 conflicts with file from package VirtualBox-7.0-7.0.20_163906_fedora40-1.x86_64
the error code is:
Internal error:
Error running transaction: file /usr/bin/VBoxAudioTest from install of virtualbox-guest-additions-7.1.0-2.fc40.x86_64 conflicts with file from package VirtualBox-7.0-7.0.20_163906_fedora40-1.x86_64
Suggest you try removing virtualbox-guest-additions, do the update, then install virtualbox-guest-additions again.
Did you install virtualbox from rpmfusion .If so version 7.1 has not made to rpmfusions stable repo yet. As @barryascott posted try removing the conflicting file and try and update again.