EPEL, the Ultimate Answer | Fedora Podcast 42

Audio: https://fedoraproject.fireside.fm/42
Peertube: EPEL, the Ultimate Answer | Fedora Podcast 42 - LinuxRocks PeerTube
YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/rZzDjJc-q_4?feature=share

We’re diving into the world of the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) and its latest milestone, EPEL 10. Discover how EPEL supports enterprise users by expanding software availability, the new features of EPEL 10, and the crucial role it plays within the Fedora and RHEL ecosystems. Whether you’re an enterprise user or a community enthusiast, learn why EPEL is essential for driving innovation and collaboration in the open-source world.

The Fedora Podcast features interviews and talks with the people who make the Fedora community awesome! These folks work on new technologies found in Fedora, produce the distro itself, or help put Fedora into the hands of users. There is so much going on in Fedora that it takes a whole podcast series!

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EPEL Uncovered: The Unsung Hero of Enterprise Linux | Fedora Podcast 26

Diagram: EPEL10

EPEL 10 Proposal

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:bookmark: Chapters:

00:00 Stream start
01:15 Introductions
05:51 What is EPEL?
10:56 Adding a Package to EPEL
15:00 EPEL 10
23:45 Future of EPEL
32:45 How to Contribute?
46:00 Wrap up

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