Emergency mode after hard shutdown (Tree root error)

The commands don’t seem to have worked.

I really want to post the logs in a more readable format. I just really don’t know how to.

It’s alright. Thank you for trying. It helps me know that the problem is outside of my skillet to fix so I’m not spending 50 hours learning dracut just to learn it’s a hardware issue.

Also, if you are in a LiveUSB you can use the firefox browser from the LiveUSB, log in to the forums from there, copy/paste commands.

The first two commands appear to have worked. For the third one to work, you would probably need to install the nvme-cli package.

Fedora was freezing a couple times in a row, so I had to hard shutdown a few times within a short period of time. That’s what made the computer become like this. I have dropped my laptop a couple times but never had any issues until now. I’m able to use the liveusb as intended but it’s just annoying taking 10 minutes to boot, being unable to download anything, and having software functionality be hit or miss. I’ll see what I can do with hardware diagnostics though. I’m just worried that if that’s the problem I won’t be able to fix it. Thank you for all of your help though. I really, really, really do not know what I’m doing.

How could I install it? I tried running it in terminal and doing a quick Google search but both are turning up null.

The typical command to install packages in Fedora Linux is sudo dnf install <package-name>. In this case, that would be sudo dnf install nvme-cli.

It’s working :wink:

Unfortunately, when I re inputted the command, it resulted in the same output. I tried selecting -H for human readable identify controller command, but I must’ve put it in wrong cause it did nothing.

In one of your earlier screenshots, it looks like you were missing a space. The command needs to be input exactly – spaces and all.

Also, does /dev/nvme0 exist? Do you see it listed when you run ls /dev?

It looks like it doesn’t exist. Maybe this is the problem?

I think at one point I found nvme0n1p3 in dracut, but idk what that is.

First image is unreadable sorry. My camera is bad and I’m bad at photography

Maybe sudo modprobe nvme would make it appear? I’m not sure.

If you are in the LiveUSB, why are you not using the Firefox browser to paste the results you get from the terminal ? It makes it a lot easier than uploading these screenshots.

Open firefox, Log in to the Forums and paste your findings.

Well, I’m in fedora discussion from my phone. At first I was doing pictures cause I only had access to dracut, and even after I got the liveusb all of the valuable info was in dracut. But I think you’re right. I got lost in habit and the last few pictures were from the liveusb so I could’ve screenshotted or copy pasted for more readable logs.

Im a noob so are you saying there’s a way to access dracut logs from terminal? If that’s possible then I could get the error logs and surrounding logs from dracut in a readable format.

Do this as a test, type lsblk in the terminal

Then Open Firefox and log into the forums. Copy/Paste the results from the terminal, here in the forums using preformatted text </>


One possibility is that the freezes were caused by a hardware fault. You should be able to do some diagnosis using the “Live USB” system. Gnome Disks has some “drive heath” information and can attempt to mount your filesystems.

Some system vendors provide diagnostics as bootable images you can run from a USB key.

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My computer is dead :frowning: I think I turned it on while it had juice in it or something.

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Thanks everyone for your help, but starting from about 9 days ago I no longer have a computer. I’m currently typing from mobile.