Does atomic variants actually need Git installed to system?

the question is on atomics is it realy needed to have GIT installed on host base image since you are still using toolbx or diistrobox for development and install there everyhting you need

We need to install a lot of packages, because it is no big issue to have them installed, while a ton of people use git even for getting software, so they would all need to layer it.

Layering increases the update times a lot, and also the energy consumption.

This is simply how the small set of atomic images work, that we currently have.

With 10 different Silverblue images, per use case (which would be cool!) this may not be included in a “minimal” image.

I am not talking layering i am talking containerized work running git and others in toolbx/distrobix not layering

Toolbx/distrobox is invented and should be used before layering apps

Layering compromises the meaning of atomic and flatpaks as you basically are using atomic as normal workstation

Atomic idealogy is flatpaks first, minimal, toolbx/distrobox next and finally if you really need to layer like VPN then layer it…

For me there is no point/usecase for git as host since i am running everything inside containers and base image has only nvidia and vpn installed

We are including git-core and not full git: Tree - workstation-ostree-config -

As Git is a common tool for configuration as well as code, it’s included in the default image.

To start the process to consider removing it, you should open an issue in the Atomic Desktop SIG issue tracker.

As that would a breaking change for people relying on Git in the base image, this is unlikely to happen.


For simple things is essential, even for “domestic” use.

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