After 6 months on EndeavourOS(arch based, terminal centric distro) I was finally getting used to the “You should update your sistem with the terminal instead of GUI managers.” mentality so when I switched to Fedora I initially continued with it and tried to use dnf in the terminal.
After hitting some hiccups right of the bat and sharing my experience on the old EOS forum they now hit me with “You aren’t in Arch land any more but have migrated to the land of the RedHats” forget about the terminal and start updating/installing stuff with the Discover store. Hhhhrrrrrrr…
Fine, fine, you’re the Linux brainiacs so I started doing that. But I wanna future proof myself for when, not if, crap will happen and that brings up the following issue/question:
With the terminal I could always just use dnf history to either try to rollback stuff myself, or at the very least be able to provide you guys with info on what got changed before things broke so you can offer assistance.
Well what about Discover?! Can’t find anything in the store itself(google didn’t help either), does it maybe create some logs somewhere or something that will help me help you to help me diagnose what the issue is and how to fix it or revert back?
I am, but I wanna be able to keep track of what changes Discover makes, because I know sooner or later a moment is gonna come when I’m gonna be asked for logs and stuff.
So does it create any or is there no way to keep track of the changes it makes?
You should be able to find Discover logs under /var/log/dnf5.log and .1,.2 etc. Should cover the last month or so. You could set up an auto backup or just copy them to a new folder every month.
You can just open them with a text editor such as Featherpad.
Why are you going to be asked for install logs and stuff?
Ok, that’s good, that’s good, thank you very much guys.
I can’t see the future, thus can’t answer that question properly. But if you wanna make a small bet(say a beer, or soda, or whatever) I say that that day will come!
P.S. Given that I can’t mark more then one post as solution and you have both offered very pertinent/good answers, I’m simply gonna mark this post as solution since I’ve quoted both of you.