Creating an SELinux policy for OpenARC - feedback please

Hi all!

I am wanting to create an SELinux policy for openarc (I am using the version by flowerysong, which is updated, compared to the version in the repos).

What I did was I took the SELinux policy for opendkim, as these two milters work similarly. I then made a few changes that seemed correct for OpenARC.

However, I am very new to SELinux policy writing, so I wanted to ask for feedback. Thank you for your time!

Since I cannot attach files here, and copy pasting them seems a bit much text, I have uploaded the files to GitHub: GitHub - lquidfire/selinux-policy-openarc

Thank you very much for your time and feedback!

P.S.: If there is a better place to ask an SELinux question, please let me know!