Council Election: Interview with Aleksandra Fedorova (bookwar)

Originally published at: Council Election: Interview with Aleksandra Fedorova (bookwar) – Fedora Community Blog

This is a part of the FESCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Monday, 20th May and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 30th May 2024.

Interview with Aleksandra Fedorova

  • Fedora Account: bookwar
  • Matrix Rooms: #fedora-council, #fedora-ci


Why are you running for Fedora Council?

At the very least I’d like to maintain the representation of the non-US and non-English speaking communities in the Fedora Project. And then I’d also like to contribute to the conversations related to the Fedora infrastructure.

The Fedora Strategy guiding star is that the project is going to double its contributor base by 2028. As a council member, how would you help the project deliver on that goal?

I’d like to spend some time on the topic of transparency of the build infrastructure in Fedora and CentOS and how we can possibly implement a GitOps-like approach to it:

How can we best measure Fedora’s success?

On one hand Fedora is a well-known desktop Linux distribution and we need to continue to serve as such: to expand the user base, to reduce the number of issues the end-user meets.

On the other, Fedora is also a platform — a pool of integrated building blocks — so that anyone can use the pieces and build something they like. Thus the success of the project can be also measured by a number of projects which use Fedora as a foundation for their own development, whatever that might be.

What is your opinion on Fedora Editions – what purpose do they serve? Are they achieving this purpose? What would you change?

I think Fedora Editions serve two purposes: they work as an entry point for newcomers who are not yet familiar with the variety of options Fedora can provide. And then they work as a technological focus – the way to showcase a certain technology and organize development and testing efforts around it.

They also serve as a permanent source of conflict, as any other opinionated selection process. And I would love to somehow lower the stakes in this conflict. I think that some strategy on promoting featured or trending Fedora Spins and Labs can help with that.

The Fedora Council is intended to be an active working body. How will you make room for Council work?

I plan to link some of the work in Fedora with the related work items in the CentOS Stream.


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