Chrome browser Flatpak not displaying Traditional Chinese

The top screen is from the Flatpak Chrome installed via Gnome Software.

The lower screen is fromt the built-in FireFox.

What is the correct way to install Google Chrome browser under Silverblue 38?

Or how to make Flatpak Chrome display non-English correctly?

I think it is a packaging issue it need a bug report

Just noting that this issue is still present a month later, across not only Chrome flatpak but several other apps. Posting to hopefully create more visibility around this issue, as (I guess?) I’m in a super minority of users who need CJK fonts in flatpaks/Silverblue.

I’ve seen workarounds and such scattered on GitHub and Reddit, but it appears to be a fundamental issue related to Fedora changing something with CJK fonts from 37 to 38. It would be great if this issue was patched in rather than me having to “hack” fonts into apps based on their various (convoluted or even nonexistent) flatpak font config directories.


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F38 did switch Noto CJK to variable fonts by default, but the font config is identical.

Can you try swapping from vf to non-vf fonts?

dnf swap google-noto-sans-cjk-vf-fonts google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts
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Can you try swapping from vf to non-vf fonts?

dnf swap google-noto-sans-cjk-vf-fonts google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts

My system doesn’t use dnf, it’s rpm-ostree (see topic tag, we’re on Silverblue).

Unless you mean for me to do this in a toolbox?

Edit: Quick update, someone on GitHub was nice enough to explain how to do what I think the above poster is recommending, only on Silverblue. I personally don’t want to alter my “immutable” system at all unless I absolutely have to (e.g., drivers), and would prefer if this just got patched, but here is a solution if anyone would like to give it a shot: