Can't make mullvad vpn desktop shortcut

I made a lot of desktop shortcuts already, but mullvad vpn just not opens from the shortcut, does the exec value is wrong?

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mullvad VPN

Is mullvad a GUI app? Or does it need to run in a Terminal?

If it needs to be in a Terminal, something like gnome-terminal -- /usr/bin/mullvad could work.

May also need a PATH set to run from (I think there’s a Desktop option for it but could also be done with bash -c

They provide a native RPM package that includes the launcher:


hi there, i’m sorry i am so late, i still take time from my transitioning from windows
yes the GUI app

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if you open a terminal and enter /usr/bin/mullvad, does it open?

if i do that then it’s open me mullvad vpn dameon via CLI
i want to make a shortcut to the mullvad GUI

That is the CLI app and not the GUI one

How did you install MullvadVPN? It has its own desktop entry, that should just work?

There are install steps. For dnf Fedora just install it with dnf instead of rpm-ostree

i just tried and it’s said it’s already exist, i can however overwrite it but i don’t see a reason why

i did it what now

EDIT: found it, this is working:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mullvad VPN
Exec=“/opt/Mullvad VPN/mullvad-vpn” %U
StartupWMClass=Mullvad VPN
Comment=Mullvad VPN client

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Added 3rd-party-software, mullvadvpn, vpn

How did you install the app?

The desktop entry is installed to /usr/share/applications

So this should not happen

i followed this this from the link Vladislav gave:

sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile=

sudo dnf install mullvad-vpn

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And what did you do before that you had the CLI utility but no entry?

i just downloaded it from

Strange. Yeah I opened the issue back then and luckily they made repos. But they should not allow downloading .rpms manually