Can't launch Electron apps on Fedora 41


first time have installed Fedora 41 beta, but can’t launch any Electron app like VSCodium, DeltaChat, FreeTube - all of them from Flatpak.

Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket..

Maybe that’s because I’m using beta version or something related with Wayland?
Strange all those apps does not work, their windows shows with artifacts. Another apps without Electron work well.

Added f41, flatpak

I’m running Fedora Silverblue 41 using Wayland and am not having any problems with Discord.

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Strange, I have fresh installation by official USB tool, just proprietary sources was disabled.

Maybe hardware/drivers issue (Apple Inc. iMac12,1)

Do you have problems with discord specifically? Different electron apps bundle possibly different electron versions. So, it’s quite possible that some electron apps work and some don’t, especially when it comes to wayland support.

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Thanks for tip, will try Discord later as have not yet. Does it have official Flatpak option?


Agreed, looks like electron version issue, strange that for all the apps I’ve tried randomly.

There’s Install Discord on Linux | Flathub

Maybe it’s not electron related - I just wanted to point out that bundled versions (in flatpaks) can differ, so “testing electron” with different apps may test different electron versions.

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Thanks, just installed Discord and it works

p.s. can’t open debug with cmd+shift+i so not sure that’s really Electron app :slight_smile:
p.p.s. got previous apps working from .rpm, maybe different versions on Flatpak

Yeah it is Electron.

You can look at the flatpak manifests of those apps to see the electron versions they use.

Example for Discord

They are all under Github/Flathub/

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Great! So it can work. For the others, something like

flatpak run $app --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer

can work when $app is, for example ,org.signal.Signal. (Did those apps work on F40?)

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