Can the copr category be removed from the Latest list?

As shown here.

I just got up to >200 unread topics, it’s drowning everything else out…


I wonder if it is really necessary to create an empty companion discussion topic each time something happens in COPR. Would it be possible to add functionality to COPR web site which creates the topic once it is needed?

Cc: @msuchy @praiskup

You can mute it your side by clicking the circle in the top right on the category page.

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I had to enable creating empty discussion topic (names of projects are taken from RSS) - so yes, it can be definitelly disabled and it will be created on the fly when somebody open the project page in Copr for the first time.
The problem is that creating of topic takes some time (nearly one minute). Therefore Discourse recommend to create it in advance if possible.

I just enabled “do not list this category in Latest” and puff, it is gone. Enjoy :slight_smile:


I checked my RSS feed for Latest just now and it showed 150+ topics from COPR… from your previous reply I thought I shouldn’t be seeing this anymore. Is that not correct?

For some reason, they pushed that change to production. So now you’re going to
see a lot of that.

Hummm… read the reply from @msuchy - he said he enabled “do not list this category in Latest”, which should resolve the issue. If it doesn’t then a bug report needs to be opened so it can be addressed.

Regarding opening a topic for every COPR because it takes “nearly one minute” to open - just thinking out loud here - how many discussions are there for each COPR project? I’m thinking not that many… at least at the present time. If that is the case, then I would think it would make more sense to only open when needed rather than for every single COPR project. In any event, the integration is a great idea. Thanks!

Copr topics should not appear in Latest. And I really do not see them there Fedora Discussion
They however appear in New I already asked @sanja to file this as Discourse RFE to have checkbox to allow category to not be listed there.

Thanks for the quick reply… sorry, I wasn’t clear … I was referring to the rss feed for latest:

Good idea to also do the RFE on new also, including new.rss
Showing up in latest.rss at this point should be considered a bug and treated as such.

RFE request:

bug report:

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Hi, I read the bug report and it’s still happening. The notes say: “To update category tracking levels for sites that are on our hosting, get in touch with our support system and we’ll make the change for you.”

Did you request the change? This should be for all users, not just “new” users. Thanks!

COPR is still showing up in the latest RSS feed. According to the bug report you referenced this is something that Discourse will do for us since we are a hosted instance. Have you requested the change? I would think a month would be plenty of time to get this implemented. What is the holdup?

I apologize if things were blocked on me, I am not doing Discourse anymore as I have to cut back on working in my free time.

Going to see if you’re admin, @msuchy and if not, make you one.

Thanks! I’m just following up to make sure this gets resolved. It appears the @msuchy was handling it, but if that isn’t the case, I can step in and get it done.

Hmm. I followed and muted the Copr category. But checking Fedora Discussion - Latest topics I still see there Copr projects. @gbcox Feel free to try to finish this.

@msuchy The message from the Discourse folks indicated that for this change to be in effect for ALL uses, that they needed to do the change. Changes on our side would only affect newly created accounts. Existing accounts would not notice any difference. Did you request that the Discourse folks make the change?

I sent the following request to support:

Please refer to:

Latest RSS feed ignore "Suppress category from latest topics" setting - #3 by Miroslav_Suchy1 - bug - Discourse Meta

As mentioned in Simon’s reply below, the Fedora instance needs to have this done for ALL users, not just NEW users. Can you make the requested changes and advise.

If you have any questions, please let me know at this email address.

Thank you.


Gerald Cox

Simon Cossar

Sep 9


I did not find any relevant settings.

You can set a list of categories that are muted for all new users on your site by adding the categories to the default categories muted site setting. User’s can override this setting on their categories preferences page.

Muting categories for existing users can be done from the site’s rails console. There are details about how to do that here: How do I set category tracking level defaults historically 2. To update category tracking levels for sites that are on our hosting, get in touch with our support system and we’ll make the change for you.

It may be a better solution to simply delete this “integration” until a proper
system can be found…