I have a 8K polling mouse, and seemingly only get up to 6K polling on a website check and mouse tool in wine.
I only tried the mouse with i5-8400H on Fedora 41/GNOME 47 Wayland. I wouldn’t be too surprised if it’s a CPU or USB bottleneck thing, but I plan on checking this from a higher-end Windows computer in the future.
Does anyone have a high-polling rate mouse (above 1000Hz) and have it report expected rates, or have any oddities?
i have and i dont use it even i use only bluetooth connection and test gives me 125Hz average i dont play games or anything where i need those features i just bought the mouse to do stuff on it
The best I got from that website Firefox Windows/Linux (Dell 5591) and Edge (Chrome; RTX 3060) was 6K. A polling checker from Wine virtual desktop on F41 also got up to 6K. Some debug libinput events command had -2 to -10 readings on some things that sounded like it could report up to 4-8K, but I couldn’t reliably read it.
Basically I’m not sure browser polling checks on any OS can report 8K mouse polling reliably, and I’m not sure if Linux or Wine can report 8K.
Windows 10 on my main Dell 5591 with my usual polling checker (wouldn’t run through Wine) goes to 8K reported (and a little higher even occasionally 9K).
General desktop W10 vs F41 feels about the same at 8K. Dota 2 mouse felt a tiny bit better (W10 DX11 vs F41 Wayland, Vulkan). Something about osu! feels better overall W10 DX11 vs F41/Wayland/(presumably default) OGL/AppImage.