It looks like that they use their own x11 server. So this might the reason why it gets messed up?
No, Solus uses eopkg as package manager. I’ve installed it using the tar.gz and the following guide:
I contacted nomachine and got answer from them:
Dear User,
thank you for contacting us.
Our developers have confirmed that the bug exists
and a Trouble Report has now been opened to allow
users to track the issue.The fix will be in the next maintenance, 8.12.
I have 4 machines at work that I installed nomachine on. They are all having this issue after I removed the software due to extremely old libssl libraries that were being found by security scans. nomachine refused to update, so I uninstalled. Now i have no way to use my nvidia drivers due to their crappy uninstall process.
I only came here to say thank you @beedaddy for figuring this out, I had the same Issue and was nearly going crazy