Hi team,
the first contact with Fedora for a lot of users is the installer.
according to the anaconda project on our translation platform, it is translated in many languages.
25 languages have >= 99% translated strings
33 languages have >= 90% translated strings
36 languages have >= 80% translated strings
47 languages have >= 50% translated strings
Typical use cases does not requires to have 100% translation progress.
I’m asking you to consider to define what would be the minimum set of languages with >=99% to allow Fedora release.
To reach that goal, Anaconda project need:
- to send emails to translator mailing list to tell us where to translate (I don’t know where to find it in Weblate)
- to communicate a clear translation deadline
- to communicate when is the string freeze they would like to set
- to make sure a packaged version including our translations is shipped with the Fedora release (careful with package freeze here)
Nothing complex to do, but requires a bit of anticipation.
You can find an example schedule identified as “Software String Freeze” in Fedora Linux 42 Schedule: All
I’m looking forward to see this new installer in Fedora!
Thanks for your help and support