Anaconda installer new UI - could we have a translation blocker?

Hi team,

the first contact with Fedora for a lot of users is the installer.

according to the anaconda project on our translation platform, it is translated in many languages.

25 languages have >= 99% translated strings
33 languages have >= 90% translated strings
36 languages have >= 80% translated strings
47 languages have >= 50% translated strings

Typical use cases does not requires to have 100% translation progress.
I’m asking you to consider to define what would be the minimum set of languages with >=99% to allow Fedora release.

To reach that goal, Anaconda project need:

  • to send emails to translator mailing list to tell us where to translate (I don’t know where to find it in Weblate)
  • to communicate a clear translation deadline
  • to communicate when is the string freeze they would like to set
  • to make sure a packaged version including our translations is shipped with the Fedora release (careful with package freeze here)

Nothing complex to do, but requires a bit of anticipation.
You can find an example schedule identified as “Software String Freeze” in Fedora Linux 42 Schedule: All

I’m looking forward to see this new installer in Fedora!

Thanks for your help and support :slight_smile:


Hi Jean,

I am writing you as a member of Anaconda team, to address some of the points.

Here is the project in Weblate for the front-end part of Anaconda Web UI installer. The project you pointed out still contains the translations for the back-end code and also the GTK UI and Text UI.

Regarding ensuring that translations are part of the package, we have automated tests for checking that and that the translation mechanism works.

We respect to the f42 Schedule including string freeze dates.
I will make sure to post an official request for translations as suggested.

As far as the suggestion to specify a Release criteria for specific level of translations for the installer, this is definitely a good requirement to have. The only relevant criteria to translations I was able to find does not dive into percentages. See Fedora 42 Final Release Criteria - Fedora Project Wiki

Thanks for the friendly suggestions,