After upgrading to F41, Fedora auto logs out


I’m experiencing unexpected logout issues after upgrading to Fedora 41.

System details:

  • Fedora 41 (fresh upgrade)
  • GNOME desktop environment

Issue description:

  • System randomly logs me out while working
  • No error messages or warnings before logout
  • All applications start and run normally otherwise
  • This occurs multiple times during regular usage

Has anyone else encountered similar issues after upgrading to F41? Any suggestions for troubleshooting these random logouts would be appreciated.


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Added gnome

Have a look in the user and system journals after this happens.
I would hope you see a reason, you can you the before and since options to journalctl to focus on the time period when you where kicked out.

I see a lot of error logs , not sure which one is related to the log out issue. What should I look for?
I also see an error log when i opened github-desktop but that i installed from flahub just yesterday, this issue persisted in my machine before yesterday.

I see the desktop is falling apart.
I expect that the errors that matter are in the system hournal.
Can you post that for the same time please?

I am not sure how. Could you please reply the command that I need to run. I used journalctl to generate the above logs.

also it happened again today and in the reporting tool it says obsidian killed by SIGTRAP and another application says killed by SIGSEGV

sudo journalctl  <options>

See ’man journalctl` for the options. --since and --before will be useful.

That is what i used to generate the above log (journalctl --since='2024-11-04 14:55:00' --until='2024-11-04 15:05:00' )

If this happens again, you could also run coredumpctl info right after logging back in. That would show the backtrace for the last crash.

With a system upgrade, GNOME extensions which have not been properly updated can also cause similar issues. Do you have any extensions enabled? If so, does it happen also when all of them are disabled?

There is also a recently experienced accessibility-related issue after upgrade to F41. Probably not your case though, as with the other issue the user can’t properly log into a GNOME session under Wayland.

I don’t have any gnome extentions installed (yet) but I do have the extentions app installed. I did a fresh f40 install and next day f41 was released so I did a dnf upgrade to f41.
I noticed whenever I have an app open that i installed using flatpak this issue happens. I could be wrong.

So I tried keeping some flatpak apps open and it logged me out after a while.

Here is the coredumpctl info result

I was expecting the header of the output as well.

Do you have Slack installed (as an RPM maybe from their website)? If so, does your issue happen without it being run?

I updated the pastebin.

Yes I have slack installed from slack official website rpm.
The screensharing don’t work on packaged ones.

With slack open , logout doesn’t happen as far as I know. Will post here if it happens.

From the core-dump, Slack might be the culprit. In the nomenclature of the downloaded RPM file I see EL8, so there are high changes it’s not compatible with F41.

EDIT: Seeing the header of coredumpctl, it clearly says that slack was the process that crashed.

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I’ll remove the slack and check if opening flatpaks crashes the system.

So far haven’t had any crashes. Thank you all.

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although when i do a coredumpctl info , its still shows slack next to PID like PID: 44305 (slack) and many of my applications like chromium when running, display a slack icon instead of chromium icon.

coredumpctl info shows the details of the last crash (core dump). With coredumpctl list you can check the list of logged crashes.

It’s not clear what you’re saying here. Where are those icons to be seen? A screenshot might be helpful.

Oh I see. Your comment cleared the confusion. Thanks again.

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