Earlier today, I left my laptop’s lid closed for several hours and when I came back, the screen wouldn’t light up.
Naturally, thinking the Bluetooth suspend bug was back, I cut my losses and restarted my laptop by force.
When it started up again, the touchpad no longer seemed to work.
I did not think to, nor was able to check what kernel I was running before… But I would not really like to go back to a previous kernel, as old kernels are removed and new ones introduced almost every dnf upgrade, which in time will force me to face this issue again.
Things I’ve tried:
sudo rrmmod psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse
sudo xinput --disable (touchpad device number) && sudo xinput --enable (touchpad device number)
sudo dmesg | grep (touchpad device id)
- error informing me that the module is built-in
- nothing happens at all
- doesn’t show any errors for that device