A potential topic/presentation I can offer would be a presentation about my current project which I aim to present at the next FOSDEM. This event could serve as a “beta freeze”, and beyond people involved in the project, it would make the London Meetup the first to get in touch with this. I aim to prepare the presentation after a meeting that I have in the beginning of September, so it surely will be ready by October. But several questions are still to be answered before mid-September, so there might be some changes to the below (so, beyond separating title and abstract ). I currently aim at the Software Bill of Materials devroom of FOSDEM, which seems closest in its aims/ends.
However, since the presentation aims at the respective FOSDEM format, this would be a 30 min presentation if we want to add this to the agenda. The topic needs a strong introduction.
The interim “title”/“anstract” at the moment is mostly a reminder, or an “abstract for myself”, to document some contents, relations and an order I want to implement. But it might already indicate what this would be about:
Information flows for knowledge creation and knowledge transfer when & where necessary (in short, problem solving): How the competition dynamics among people around Linux and Cryptography cause equilibria of collaboration and constructive competition that solves intuitively the problems in the anarchy of the Internet and Internet-dependent societies, while adaptively connecting the “sensors” (people), who experience a problem, with those who have the appropriate solution - or creating a competition that results in an appropriate solution.
How to integrate with and extend these massive capabilities for problem solving and how to create outreach and feedback loops, downstream to the most-non-tech organizations? How to make the demand of the latter again to the effective and efficient upstream of Linux & other developers to solve the problems throughout today’s socio-technical societies with the best possible socio-technical solutions?
An approach to create a new organizational architecture (with incentives for people and organizations to integrate with it) that aims to make the “downstream” to a “circle” of information flows - in both directions
… with an explanation why “people”, “outreach” and “understanding” are the keys to create the information flows that facilitate the security of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and the security of achieving and keeping the competitive advantage… in short, how to achieve the security of getting social, technical and mixed-socio-technical problems solved “effectively” “efficiently” “reliably” “on the long term” “with expected outcomes” and “without unexpected side effects”
You can already derive that my definition of terms like Linux or Open Source is more than just (open) code, but a complex socio-technical system “secure by design” for identifying and solving problems that achieves distributed (“distribution of powers” rather than “separation of powers”), adaptive, targeted and resilient competition, with “global sourcing” (done at the place/entity that does it best) while complemented with “socio-technical sourcing” (done by whatever means are best to solve the very problem: social or technical means, or a combination), with an emphasis on the level of people.
This elaboration will be related to my research at the Royal Holloway, but the presentation itself will not be academic as the academic research is something I consider myself more as a means rather than the end. Underlying theory/assumptions will be explained. The academic subproject is itself just one of two subprojects: the presentation will be the first overall presentation that aims to bring both subprojects together. The (sub)projects are derived from and influenced by my professional experiences [0] and from/by my previous research [1] [2] [3].
One possibility for a presentation.