- New Members
- Packaging
- 2270953 – python-colcon-core fails to build with Python 3.13: SystemExit: 2 pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --bar --baz
- python3-flake8-docstrings:
- dead package in fedora 41+
- wrapper of another upstream project that is abandoned
- will be dropped from ros
- no replacement for it for now
- rely on pip for now
- can be set as a pip dep. in rosdep (not there yet)
- EPEL10
- some packages need to be updated in Fedora fo land in fedora (such as asimp)
- most of missing packages are flake plugins (flake itself is currently blocked)
- Autoware (Open AD-Kit) / ROS2 / OSTree (CoreOS/Silverblue)
- Dynamic rpm feature is still WIP (ROS2 build farm/system)
- Working on Autoware docs on how to run it with Podman/Systemd/Quadlet
- ROS2 sample tutorial
- migrating GitHub - odra/ros2-fedora-crash-course: A ROS2 Fedora crash course using containers to the sig docs website;
- Sample application repository: fedora / Special Interest Groups (SIGs) / Fedora Robotics SIG / src / ros2-basic-sample · GitLab
- O3DE
- Packaging issues created: Issues · fedora / Special Interest Groups (SIGs) / Fedora Robotics SIG / fedora-robotics-sig · GitLab
- Help wanted!
- Packaging issues created: Issues · fedora / Special Interest Groups (SIGs) / Fedora Robotics SIG / fedora-robotics-sig · GitLab